Cookie statement

We want to guarantee your privacy and improve the user-friendliness of your visit to our websites. That is why we think it is important that you know how and why we use cookies.

We, PF Concept International B.V. ("PF Concept International"), store cookies, web beacons, Javascript and local storage ("cookies") on your device when you visit our websites. Cookies ensure that your device can receive information (through Javascripts), mark your device with small, simple text files (cookies and local storage) and help you to receive information from our websites at the right time (web beacons). So, the next time you visit one of our websites, cookies ensure that we recognise your device.

1. Which cookies we store and why

Functional cookies
These cookies are necessary for basic site functionalities and are therefore set when you visit our websites. These cookies remember your preferences as you use our websites. They are also used to distribute the load on our servers, which keeps the site available, and for security purposes. See a list of these cookies and their specifics.

The purposes of functional cookies include:

  • Recognising your settings for a next visit;
  • Used to connect multiple requests made in a single session;
  • Remembering your preferences, such as product filter, compare tools, language, location and the desired number of search results to be displayed are stored;
  • The items you add to your online shopping list during online shopping are remembered and stored;
  • Providing a notification for an unfinished order, so that you do not lose your shopping list;
  • You can safely shop on the PF Concept International website;
  • The website is evenly loaded, so that they remain functional and accessible;
  • To detect abuse of or potential problems on our websites and services, for example by registering a number of consecutive failed log-in attempts.

For the use of functional cookies, which are for the basic working of the websites and have no or only limited consequences for your privacy, we do not need to collect your consent, however you can still opt out of the use of functional cookies as outlined in the "Control the cookies we store and access" section below.

Analytic cookies
The cookies are used to collect information about the way in which visitors use PF Concept International's websites, including information about the pages most visited and the number of error messages displayed. We collect statistics from the users of our websites with analytic cookies. These cookies help PF Concept International to improve its websites. See a list of these cookies and their specifics.

We use Google Analytics to generate statistics about visits to our websites. We use a variant of Google Analytics, in which the data obtained through Google Analytics is not shared with other Google services.

The following data are stored by means of cookies in the analysis system:

  • The IP address (where, when using Google Analytics before we have obtained your consent, the last octet is masked);
  • Technical features such as the browser you use (such as Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox) and the resolution of your computer screen;
  • From which page you have come to the PF Concept International website;
  • When and how long you visit or use the PF Concept International websites;
  • Whether you use the functionalities of the websites. For example, making a shopping list, placing an online order or viewing your previous purchases;
  • Which pages you visit on our websites;
  • Your interaction with the products offered by PF Concept International and promotions that are shown to you;
  • Your searches, including their results and the steps you have taken within an ordering process;
  • Your use of PF Concept International services over various devices;
  • Unique identifiers, such as the unique visitor ID assigned to your device when you visit our websites, hashed transaction ID and hashed member ID.

We use this information for:

  • To track the number of visitors on our web pages;
  • To measure the duration that each visitor spends on our web pages;
  • To determine the order in which a visitor visits the various pages of our websites;
  • To assess which parts of our sites and apps need adjustment;

2. Control the cookies we store and access

If you would like to revoke consent, you can adjust your browser settings to delete our cookies. You can also adjust your browser settings to prevent websites from setting cookies altogether. If you prevent us from setting specific cookies, you may find that some functions are not available or that certain parts of the website will not load. Find out how to adjust the settings for different browsers:

3. Our privacy notice

You will find more information on how PF Concept International handles your privacy in our privacy notice.

4. Questions?

If you have any questions regarding the use of your information, please contact us at any time.
This statement was last updated on 28 August 2018.